Tuesday 30 November 2010

Back after short hiatus

Some have noticed that we've not posted for a few days... was away for a family celebration and decided to focus (almost) entirely on wishing my parents well for renewing their vows after 50 years of marriage.  One thing about 80 somethings:  they usually are not plugged in - and guess what ?  they seem to live ok without it somehow. 

Still, the Blackberry was humming periodically and got to speak to numerous folks over the course of the past few days so there's plenty to write.  Steadily getting out from under a bunch of work at the day job and hoping we can come back with some worthwhile information in the next day or so. 

For those showing concern for my health, much appreciated; it's all good and for those anxious for more information, stay tuned and thanks for the patience.

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