Greetings to all in Horns Nation.
Please remember in your thoughts and prayers Krista Heidinger, former Horn and current Assistant Coach for the Women's program, who passed away from complications from a blood clot yesterday.
Krista was happily married to former Horn great Jared Heidinger, and both were proud supporters of the University of Lethbridge.
Attached below are forwarded messages from School District #51 and from Jared himself for your background information.
Horns Nation is ALL about supporting each other, and would ask you all to find your own way to support Jared and his young family in their challenges ahead.
We will be shutting down our two a day practices on the day of the funeral (do not have the details yet), and having the current Horns attend the service in support of the Heidingers.
Thanks for your support of the current Horns and of all our brothers and sisters in Horns Nation.
Dave Adams B. Ed. M. Ed.
Head Coach of the Pronghorns
University of Lethbridge Men's Basketball
"be the change you wish to see in the world" (Gandhi)
From School District #51
To All District Staff
It is with tremendous sadness that I inform you that our colleague Krista Heidinger passed away yesterday.
Krista began her teaching career at Wilson Middle School, and most recently taught at Mike Mountain Horse School. Krista is married to Jared, who teaches at Winston Churchill High School. She has been on leave and last Wednesday gave birth to their third child, Sophie.
Jared was able to send the message below to the staff at Churchill last evening; a very touching tribute to Krista.
At times like this words seem inadequate; all we can do is be as supportive as possible to those around us and take an extra moment to share our love with our families. Our thoughts and prayers are extended to Jared and his three children Jaxon, Grace and Sophie, as well as the extended families of Krista and Jared.
From Jared
My wife of ten years and mother of my three children passed away today due to complications from a massive blood clot that entered her lungs and then stopped her heart. She did not receive enough oxygen to her brain due to this clot. The CT scan today showed severe brain death and it is likely that her brain function actually stopped on Saturday at around 12 noon when she stopped taking breaths on her own and had to rely on the ventilator. I spent last night with her and still felt that she was still "there" and so I read her some stories and talked and prayed with her. My kids and I have had tremendous support from friends and family, and are doing well. The kids were told today by myself and a counsellor with Chinook Health. Jaxon (6) cried hard, and Grace (4) was sad and I am prepared for the fact that these may repeat themselves, for the kids and for me. Sophie who was born on Wednesday August 26th, is taking the bottle very well and is sleeping well and pooping well, which is what newborns are supposed to do. She is beautiful and precious.
When the neurologist and radiologist and internal medicine doctor saw the CT scan of Krista's brain and did a number of other tests for brain death, they all pointed to the same thing, that in fact Krista's brain was dead and dying and her heart rate was the next thing to fail. This made her an organ donor candidate so they took her to Calgary today to pass her organs on to other people desperately in need of some hope. Krista would never have had this any other way.
It is quite a thing, praying for your wife to be healed, not seeing that answer, and then realizing that she is the answer to prayer for someone who is anxiously awaiting an organ transplant. That her organs could help out a number of other families, that the pain you are feeling is similar to the pain the other families are feeling as they wait for an organ. As I helped load her body into the ambulance to go to Calgary, I realized that in fact her spirit is with our Lord in heaven and that in fact this shell in front of me was just that, a shell of who she was.
She was an amazing woman. Great wife and mother and someone who touched the lives of many people in such a positive way. At times it is absolutely unbearable to think of the task that lies before me. I am trusting that God will grant me the grace and wisdom to provide enough love to my kids to make up for the void that is now here. I have faith that He will see it through. That he wants me to trust him one step at a time. God can provide. Jesus saves. Krista is in heaven.
It is great to have support but there are already meals being provided for the next two weeks by people at the Evangelical Free Church in Lethbridge. I just need prayers.